The following practice videos were recorded in 2010 by the Saint Cecilia Divine Office Schola, Richard J. Clark, Director. These demonstrate the 2010 Translation of the Roman Missal, Third Typical Edition.
1. Greeting – This video demonstrates various options for the Greeting
2. Penitential Act C with celebrant’s introduction, intercessions, and absolution
3. Gloria
4. Gloria (sung antiphonally)
5. Credo I
6. Credo III
7. Orate, Fratres
8. Preface Dialogue
9. Sanctus
10. Memorial Acclamation A
11. Memorial Acclamation B
12. Memorial Acclamation C
13. Doxology
14. The Lord’s Prayer
15. Agnus Dei
16. Invitation to Communion
17. Final Blessing
18. Dismissal – This video demonstrates various options for the Dismissal
Many thanks to music ministers from the Archdiocese of Boston who volunteered their time and talent: Allesandra Cionco, Richard J. Clark, Mark Donohoe, Rev. Jonathan Gaspar, Liz Kerigan, Emily Lau, Clare McNamara, Michael Olbash, Elisabeth Pifer, Tanya Skypeck, Jason Villarreal